Taekwondo club OMEGA

Taekwondo Club Omega
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Prva postava Taekwondo kluba OMEGA
Evropski uspesi Tae Kwon Do kluba OMEGA
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OMEGA - Photo Album
OMEGA 2007 Photo Album
OMEGA Cup 2006
Galebov trofej Beograda 2006
Zagreb 2006
Fojnica 2006, 2007
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Tekvondo predstavlja moderni skup više borbenih sistema koji su postojali i preko dvadeset vekova razvijali u Koreji, ali je zvanično priznat pedesetih godina dvadesetog veka kao sistem samoodbrane. Korejski general Choi Hong Hi je 1955. godine osnovao Svetsku Taekwondo Federaciju.  Godine 1973. za predsednika novoosnovane Svetske Taekwondo Federacije (WTF) izabran je Kim Un Jong.

Tekvondo se prvi put pojavio na Olimpijskim Igrama 1982. i 1992. godine , a kao olimpijski sport je ozvaničen 2000. godine u Sidneju.

TAE znači udarac nogom , KWON udarac rukom ili pesnicom , DO  u filozofskom smislu znači put ili način življenja. Tae Kwon Do kombinuje snažne udarce i veštinu odbrane blokiranjem, izmicanjem , tzv 'nožnim čišćenjem' i uživa ugled veštine poznate po vrlo efektnom stilu samoodbrane. U bukvalnom prevodu reč tekvondo znacila bi 'put noge i ruke' ili 'način borbe nogama i rukama'.

Ova veština pomaže kontroli Vaše težine, telesnom izgledu i pospešuje rad Vašeg kardiovaskularnog i respiratornog sistema. Telo će Vam biti snažnije i Vaša snaga , fleksibilnost i koordinacija mogu samo napredovati. Tekvondo Vam takodje pomaže da očuvate svoj mentalni sklop dajući Vam pozitivan put u otklanjanju problema svakodnevnih stresnih situacija. Krajnji rezultat je kao u narodnoj poslovici: U zdravom telu, zdrav duh. Tekvondo predstavlja nešto mnogo više od običnog udaranja , jer je filozofski dizajniran kao nenasilna disciplina treniranja sopstvenog tela i izgradnje pozitivnih karakternih osobina.


About Taekwondo

Taekwondo was first developed over 20 centuries ago in Korea, it was not officially recognized as a system of self-defense until the 1950's when a group of leading Korean martial artists came together and unified their various art forms under a single style of hand and feet fighting. They named this martial art Taekwondo, and in the last 30 years have developed it into one of the most effective styles of unarmed self-defense in the world.

Taekwondo is also a free-fighting combat sport in which an individual uses his or her bare hands and feet to repel an opponent. Taekwondo literally means the "way of kicking and punching." It consists of sharp, strong angular movements with free flowing circular movements to produce a balance of beauty and power. With the addition of Taekwondo's trademark kicking techniques (or rather taekkyon's kicking techniques) it is a complete system of self-defense and personal improvement. All of its activities are based on the defensive attitude that originally developed for protection against enemy attacks.

The most important fact about Taekwondo is that it is both a superior art of self-defense and a technique of mental discipline. It gives its practitioners self-confidence that provides an advantage over a mentally weaker opponent. This mental characteristic along with the physical ability is beneficial to the mental life of individuals as well as to their families and friends. With its practical means of self defense, its complete regimen of physical conditioning, and its aid to improved concentration and mental performances, Taekwondo offers a total fitness program integrating mind, body and spirit.

Today, Taekwondo is the most recognized Korean Martial Art, and a popular international sport. It was a demonstration sport at the 1988 and 1992 Summer Olympic Games, and will be a medal sport at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia.

taken from the USOC

